In this episode of the Podcast, Profectus Co-editors Ben Wilterdink and Clay Routledge talk with with Kathryn Wilson. Kathryn is a practicing psychotherapist and has her master's in counseling, psychology, and biblical counseling. Along with her husband, Eamon, Roderick Hare, and Pastor Paul VanderKlay, Kathryn has been one of the regular conversation partners in a series of discussions on the marriage crisis.
Marriage Crisis Video 1: Introductions
Marriage Crisis Video 2: Love is Unconditional, Relationships are Not
Marriage Crisis Video 3: The Velcro of Marriage in a World of Insecure Attachment
Marriage Crisis Video 4: The Loss of Inherited Wisdom in Marriage and Childrearing
Richard Reeves' Latest book, Of Boys and Men
The American Institute for Boys and Men (Substack)
Men are lost. Here’s a map out of the wilderness. by Christine Emba in The Washington Post.
Profectus Podcast with Angela Rachidi on Family Affordability
Follow us on Twitter @Kathryn95620927, @clayroutledge, and @bgwilterdink